The world's largest ship tunnel in the making

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The world's largest ship tunnel in the making

Post by KBleivik »

Although, Norway has already the world's longest road tunnel of 24 Km, the Stad Ship Tunnel will be the first
proper ship tunnel. The engineering behind it will not involve radical innovation.
Ship canals have long been used to make journeys more direct and safer but the Stad peninsula is a mountainous divide, peaking at 645m, between the Norwegian Sea to the north and the North Sea to the south.

It is epected to become a tourist attraction. With a tunnel through the Stad peninsula in the far north of Sogn og Fjordane large and small boats could always assume that they will be able to sail. The length of the tunnel will be 1.7 km.

The images of the tunnel are finally ready: ... 1.13179678

See also the YouTube videos:
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